We're Back...

Yes, it's that time of year again. Our students are back as of July 24, 2024.

Remember the first day of school? It can be so scary, exciting, and confusing.

Where do I go? Will I make friends? Did I choose the right career? The night before, checking and rechecking: Is my alarm set? Will I have enough time? Do I have everything I need?

You can see it in a student's eyes, their expressions, and body language. If you have a student returning to school, put yourself in their shoes. Remember the nerves, and help them relax.

Laughter can be the best medicine. Share a funny story from your own school days. For instance, on my first day of junior high, we had to stand in front of the class introduce ourselves and give our favorite pastime. As I nervously stood there, a dryer sheet slipped out of my new dress and floated to the floor, everyone was giggling. Trying to laugh it off, I said, "Well, obviously my favorite pastime is doing laundry." The class laughed, and I felt ready to conquer school!

Let them know it will be okay. You survived, and so can they. By the second week, it's just another day at school.

Please remember: SAFETY FIRST! Never pass a school bus with its lights on and sign out. The only exception is if there's a raised median and you’re going in the opposite direction. Otherwise, STOP and wait. No passing in school zones at all. Bus drivers can report your license plate, and the buses have cameras.

To those starting a new school year at EVIT, enjoy it, learn lots, and remember, you're working towards a career. Put your best foot forward at all times!